Bioresonance is the measurable electromagnetic signature of a substance, such as an animal, vegetable, or mineral. It is an effective form of medical testing and treatment. Bioresonance is based on the established medical treatment modality of homeopathy.    

Homeopathy is a system of medicine started by Samuel Hahnemann, a German doctor and medical translator. He wrote his first paper describing this system in 1796.

Homeopathy is based on the “law of similars.” With this medical concept any substance that causes a reaction in a person may be prepared to treat that same reaction from another cause. For example, the plant stinging nettle has little spines that contain a chemical irritant, which can cause skin blisters and a particular pain sensation. Stinging nettle may be prepared to make the homeopathic preparation Urtica urens.  This homeopathic preparation is effective in the treatment of the burning irritation of a urinary tract infection. This is the medical concept of “like treating like.”

Modern research has demonstrated that homeopathic preparations contain “electromagnetic signatures.” 

The best way I know to describe the energetic nature of homeopathy is to discuss the science behind noise-canceling headphones. Most people know about these marvels of modern electronic technology. If you know nothing else about noise-canceling headphones, you know that they are expensive and that they somehow work.

Noise-canceling headphones work by identifying the exact repeating energetic waveform of a sound, such as the annoying drone of the engines on a commercial jet aircraft flight. Once identified, the waveforms of those sounds are inverted, canceling the original sound.

Here is another example. Have you ever played with a water bed? I remember the first and forth. I did it again. Amazing! Then, as the third pulse came back, I sent a fourth wave. It cancelled the third wave!

Homeopathy, noise-cancelling headphones, and cancelling a water bed wave with another wave are all examples of resonance.

Homeopathic preparations contain actual resonance signatures, which has been validated by modern science.

Have you ever heard of a “Mass Spectrophotometer”?

I had to complete university science courses to qualify to attend naturopathic college. In the fall of 1990, as a Simon Fraser Co-Op student, I completed a work-study term at the Provincial Toxicology Centre in Coquitlam. I worked as a “Student Analyst” operating gas and liquid chromatography test machines to analyze patient samples for alcohol content. The workstation beside mine had a mass spectrophotometer, also known as a mass spec.

Partway through the work term, the mass-spec unit malfunctioned. Not wanting to wait for the Hewlett Packard technician to get to our lab, the highly talented medical technologist who ran that machine proceeded to disassemble, retrofit, and reassemble it. I got to watch the whole process. That experience was invaluable. I got to see firsthand how a mass spec is built and works.

So, how does a mass spec work, and why should you care?

A mass spec has two parts. In the first part, chemical substances are separated by diluting them and spreading them out into identifiable groups, a process known as chromatography. The particles pass through a complex and sensitive electromagnetic detector in the second and more important part. That detector, along with a powerful computer, identifies the electronic signature of the chemical being tested.

Mass spec technology is accurate enough to support legal prosecutions for illegal drug use.

Again, who cares? Because, this reliably accurate method of analyzing the electromagnetic signature of chemicals has been used to identify the same type of signatures in bioresonance and homeopathic remedies.     

I was fortunate to attend a lecture on bioresonance twice in 2003. First in August at the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians conference in Portland, Oregon, and then again at the BC Naturopathic Association conference that same fall. Dr. Conrad Kail ND of Arizona presented evidence that specific homeopathic remedies had been characterized by mass spec testing. That meant that it was “identifiably real”. And, the electronic signatures of the same homeopathic remedy, generated by a bioresonance machine, produced the nearly identical electromagnetic signature. Meaning, that the bioresonance signature was “identifiably real” as well!

I know that homeopathy is an effective medical treatment. I have seen the results. I also know that the new bioresonance machines I use in my office are effective.

I have used four different systems of bioresonance for testing and treating patients over the last 27 years. I am currently using four bioresonance machines from the Wegamed company of Germany.

I am using the Check Medical Sport machine to screen patients. The Test Expert Plus machine, that contains 5,000 separate harmonic signatures. The Wegamed Select to treat specific conditions. And, the Wegmed Med Matrix to neutralize and draw toxins out of the body.

Bioresonance and the Wegamed testing and treating machines might be useful in treating your health concerns.