Over the years, as a licensed naturopathic physician, I have offered my patients a variety of solutions for their joint pain. Here is my list of the top nine solutions for joint pain.  

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

PRP is an effective treatment for solving joint pain. Your blood is drawn and centrifuged to concentrate your platelets. The platelets are then injected into injured joints, where they activate stem cells to lay down healing repairing cells.


Ozone is energized oxygen. I inject it into injured joints, activating cytokines, the healing chemicals.  

Peri Neural Therapy

A solution of dextrose and water is injected in specific areas of our bodies, just under the skin, to reset nerves. Deep nerves associated with joints communicate with “peripheral” nerves just under our skin. Injecting dextrose will reset the peripheral nerves and relieve pain patterns from deep in our bodies.

Nerve Hydrodissection

Fascia is the tough fibrous tissue that wraps our muscles and organs in our bodies. Inside our bodies, we have fascial bundles. Between these bundles travel our large blood vessels and nerves. With emotional and physical trauma, we will bleed into the fascial spaces. This blood will stick together the fascia and irritate the nerves. Hydrodissection, using dextrose 5% in water is injected, with diagnostic ultrasound guidance, to unstick the fascia from the affected nerves.

Chiropractic Adjustments

Joint treatments from trusted Doctors of Chiropractic are important treatment options for many of my patients.

Neural Therapy

We are made of cells. Cells are essentially bags inside of bags. To transport good nutrients into cells, and wastes such as carbon dioxide out of cells the normal cell membrane charge of negative 75 millivolts must be present. With trauma, the cell membrane charge can go as high as negative 200 milli volts. Neural therapy involves the injection of Procaine, which is negative 200 millivolts. It resets the membrane potentials of the injured cells, resetting their ability to transport nutrients and wastes.


The Arthrostim machine is a valuable way to reset previously injured muscles. Pain nerve receptors communicate with the brain nine times a second. The Arthrostim machine taps the injured patient 12 to 16 times per second, effectively resetting the nerve communication. It is a great way to reset past injured muscles and joints.

Low Dose Immunotherapy

LDI is a treatment modality that uses homeopathic preparations to reset the immune system. For some of my patients’ joint pain is caused by an autoimmune reaction that affects the joints. By using the correct LDI preparation, I am able to reset the immune system and relieve autoimmune joint pain.


Good nutrition is essential to healing. I often recommend nutritional supplements for injured and painful joints. My number one nutritional supplement for joint pain is MSM. 

I have treated joint pain my entire naturopathic medical career. There are many different treatments for solving joint pain. At your next appointment, ask me what solutions for joint pain work best for you.