I recently invested in five medical machines from Wegamed in Germany. One of those five is the Med Matrix machine. It is an innovative treatment machine that I predict will become my most popular treatment.

The “matrix” is the area of the body that includes the connective tissues around all our organs and our joints. The matrix has many functions, with one of the most important being to act as an overflow storage area for metabolic waste and acids in our bodies.

The Wegamed Med Matrix machine treats the matrix area of our bodies with three separate treatment actions.

Action One:

Drawing toxins out of your body with a vacuum pump.

Everyone knows about acupuncture cupping. This is where an acupuncturist applies cups, often glass, to areas of the patient’s back. Suction in the cups draws the skin up into the cup and results in red circles on the skin.

Our bodies contain acupuncture meridians. The Gall Bladder meridian travels up our back, with two channels on each side of our spine, to end in a pattern on our head. Along the bladder meridian are “Shu” points, one at each spinal segment, that connect to organs inside our bodies. The Med Matix vacuum action draws toxins out of our organs.

In advanced acupuncture there is a discussion of the Bong Han vessels of the Primo Vascular system. https://biomedx.com/edu/primo-vascular-system-under-the-microscope/ This is a system of circulation associated with the acupuncture meridians. It explains how the Med Matrix vacuum system is able to draw toxins out of the body.

Action Two:

The second action of the Med Matrix system is to apply a light electrical current to stimulate detoxification. We are made up of cells. Cells are essentially bags inside of bags. How well those bags move good nutrients into a cell and bad wastes out of a cell will largely depend on the electrical balance of the cell wall. The normal electrical potential on a cell wall is negative 75 millivolts. With trauma that electrical potential may be reduced to as much as plus 200 millivolts.

Note: negative millivolts indicates a presence of excess electrons and an increased potential for action. A positive millivolt charge represents an absence of electrons and a reduced potential for action.

Applying a light electrical current to the cells in a Med Matrix treatment improves the release of toxins from our cells.

Action Three:

The Med Matrix system’s third action is bioresonance. It is the most innovative treatment feature of the machine. The Med Matrix machine can identify the bioresonance signature of the released toxins, and invert or electrically neutralize them. This inverted signature is fed back to the patient being treated. It is even possible to record the inverted signature on a card with a magnetic strip, for the patient to take home for an extended treatment.

Not all the toxins in a person will be released all at once. However, the toxins being released during a treatment session will each be identified, inverted, and passed back to the patient being treated. This is a fantastic feature of the Med Matrix machine and the main reason for its effectiveness and popularity.  

At your next appointment, ask me if the Med Matrix treatment from Wegamed would be good for you.