Transactional Healthcare

Should healthcare be transactional? The answer to that question is complex and will depend on your individual considerations. So, yes and no. I will explain. We need to start by defining transactional. If healthcare as a transaction means “I pay you money and you make me better” then healthcare cannot be transactional. Every patient must…

Extended Health Plan Benefits

Do you have an extended medical benefits plan? If you do, you will need to read this article carefully. Know Your Coverage Most extended medical benefit plans include Naturopathic care. We can help you check your plan to confirm your coverage and remaining care budget. Take Action Today Get the care you want and save…

What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance is the measurable electromagnetic signature of a substance, such as an animal, vegetable, or mineral. It is an effective form of medical testing and treatment. Bioresonance is based on the established medical treatment modality of homeopathy.     Homeopathy is a system of medicine started by Samuel Hahnemann, a German doctor and medical translator. He…

Joint Pain Treatment Plans

All effective and efficient joint pain treatments must start with a treatment plan. My treatment plans are based on the patient’s answers to a series of questions. If you have worked with me as a patient, you know I am full of questions. In medicine, this is known as taking a patient’s history. Questions like:…

Blood Zeta Potential

Oxygen is an essential part of converting food energy to “people” energy. Oxygen is essential to life. Oxygen is transported in our blood by Red Blood Cells (RBCs). For RBCs to move efficiently through your arteries, veins, and capillaries to deliver oxygen they must not clump. Clumping blood increases your risk of developing poor circulation,…

Your Liver Support Plan

Toxins limit our health potential. A toxin is any substance that will limit or completely block the normal chemical functioning of your body. Detoxification is the processing and elimination of toxins and toxic byproducts from your body. Optimal health requires an effective and efficient system of detoxification. The liver is the main organ that processes…

Is Inflammation Good or Bad?

  Inflammation is a natural response of the body to trauma and infection. Our bodies containhealing chemicals called cytokines. Cytokines are released when there is a needto modulate healing. When cytokines are in play, we will have any or all of thesymptoms of inflammation: pain, redness, heat, and swelling.   Some doctors have the impression…