Amino acids are building blocks for important parts of our bodies, including our muscles and our neurotransmitters. Amino acids in our diets usually come from the protein we eat. Having adequate protein and amino acid levels in our diet is essential to a balanced life.

Essential Amino Acids

There are 21 amino acids common to all forms of life. Of those, there are nine essential amino acids, histidine, lysine, leucine, isoleucine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, and valine. These are essential because we can assemble the remaining 12 amino acids we need from these nine.

Building Blocks

Amino acids are building blocks for important parts of our bodies, including our neurotransmitters and our muscles.

The protein in our diet is digested into amino acids in the stomach and small intestine. Those amino acids are then absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body. 

Brain Chemistry

Our brains are made up of nerve fibers that communicate with other nerves throughout our bodies. These nerves communicate with neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that regulate nerve function. The balanced operation of our nerves depends on having enough neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are made up from amino acids. Having enough amino acids in your diet will ensure balanced neurotransmitter production, clearer thinking, and more balanced emotions.

Animal Protein Versus Plant Protein

There is an ongoing debate over the merits of plant versus animal protein sources. Some of my patients have been on diets of only grass-fed beef for years and report having the best health of their lives. Other patients are staunchly plant-based vegetarians. My observations are that while individual results are valid, we must carefully watch for possible problems, such as nutrient deficiencies, with restrictive diets.

Amino Acid Supplements

In general, I recommend that people get their amino acids from the foods they eat every day. However, I understand that people make their own choices of the foods they want to eat. So, I offer my patients different amino acid supplements.

In my office, we have seen good results with the Perfect Amino formula. This plant-based amino acid formula is claimed to be effective nutritional support for athletes and students of all ages and an efficient way to get the essential amino acids into your body.

Nitrogen Load

The amine portion of an amino acid is a chemical structure that contains nitrogen. When a protein source, such as a protein, is digested and metabolized, only a portion of it is used to make muscle and neurotransmitters. The remaining portion of the amino acid will produce nitrogen waste. Some protein sources produce larger amounts of nitrogen waste. 

                                                           Productive                 Nitrogen Waste

Branched Chain Amino Acids                  1%                              99%

Whey, Soy, and Nut Proteins                   18%                            82%

Meat, Poultry, and Fish                            32%                            68%

Whole Eggs                                              48%                            52%

Perfect Amino Formula                             99%                            1%


Getting an adequate amount of dietary amino acids is essential for good health. Getting the right form of amino acids for you is an integral part of a good health plan. Sometimes amino acid supplementation is your best way to regain physical and emotional balance.