In my three decades of working with people on their health concerns, I believe that most health concerns are caused by a Pronunciation Error. I know what you are thinking: how could that be true? Let me explain.

Most health concerns result from the inability to “Say No.” In other words, not respecting boundaries, making commitments that are not good for you, and making bad choices.

We all make choices about what we eat, how and when we exercise, our relationships with other people, and our relationships with ourselves. To make healthy choices, we need to set and maintain good boundaries, which come from healthy expectations.

Why are goals so important to your health? Without healthy goals, you will make everyday decisions that directly affect your health in a random pattern of responses to the last advertisement or counterproductive opinion you encountered.

Another important health boundary is thinking good thoughts. In many ways, we are the average of our five closest associations. More than the people we associate with, the forms of information intake we allow into our everyday lives directly affect our thoughts and our health.

The patients I see in my office and the people I interact with outside of the office all have opinions. Based on their dominant opinions, I can predict what news shows they are watching.

Learning how and when to say no to others and ourselves is an important life lesson. I am doing my best to set my own health goals and boundaries. Good luck in setting yours.